Friday, October 27, 2006

One Week to Go!

Some of you might be wondering what I am doing in my last week of training. Well, I have just taken a week off after developing what appears to be iliotibial band syndrome. I will run anyway, but I thought it would be best to give my body some time to heal. Walking is less painful now so I return with a new vigor... and a lower mileage.

This weekend I will do a 12 mile run and then two 8 mile runs this week. I will start eating high carb meals as early as Thursday. All the while, I will be studying for my Neurology shelf exam which is on Friday.

Fundraising is going well. With the help of the Einstein community, friends, and family, I have raised nearly $2,000 and am just $500 short of my goal. I think we WILL be sending a child to the Hole in the Wall Gang Camp this year. Thank you to all!

PS. If you'll be out there during the Marathon, let me know where and I will be sure to look for you!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

T minus 26 days

Last week's run in San Franciso definitely had its ups and downs. While visiting my brother, I did a 14 mile run along the periphery of the city. I tried to keep to the flatter coastal grounds and had not planned on the cliffs that rise high above the Pacific Ocean.

I have 26 days to raise $1200 more. As a counselor at the Hole in the Wall several years ago, I can attest to the difference the camp experience makes for each of its campers. I am spending all of this time fundraising, training, icing, and in pain to raise $2,500; enough to send one camper to Paul Newman's camp. Don't forget about corporate matching, but Please help me with my goal!

A view from last week's run: